Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday, Feb. 20

Up at 6:30 to get ready for water aerobics. Br-r-r, cold outside, the kind of weather that called for a coat, hat, and gloves. Only nine of us showed up at the pool today. The water was warm, or at least I thought it was. A few of the other ladies declared it was cold.

Our leader was still not able to come, but the word was that she has regained her appetite, and is eating everything in sight. So she should get stronger soon. But I hope she stays home for a while longer to be sure she's out of the woods.

The substitute leader was on board today, and we got a good workout with the water noodles. It was pretty chilly walking to the van afterward, though, so I was glad for hot cups of coffee when I got home.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house as soon as I got home, and we put a pot of chicken on to simmer. Mother diced the veggies, as usual, and I did the rest. Then she went to her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie ran errands, and I got ready for the day.

By now, it was lunchtime, so I fixed Ramen noodle soup for Mother, and egg substitute with diced leftover baked potatoes, onions, and ham, for Hubbie and me. Served this with toast and jelly. Hubbie had returned by the time lunch was ready.

Afterward, Mother went back to her puzzle, which she finished this afternoon, and I put the regular birdhouse decorations back on the mantel. Then I gathered materials necessary for making scrapbook pages tomorrow afternoon. It appears that an ice storm is imminent tonight and early tomorrow, but if the temperature rises, maybe the roads will be fine for the other member to come and join us.

I have several page designs in mind for tomorrow, though we probably will only have time to complete a couple apiece. Two pages will feature Mother being "kissed" by a wolf, and petting a snake, during an event at the local museum last fall, and a few other pages will feature Daughter making a snowman after a rare Christmas snow last December.

A big part of doing scrapbook pages is choosing appropriate snapshots and just the right plain and patterned card stock to complement them. So I worked (or played) until around 3:30, and then Mother and I adjourned to the kitchen to make a double batch of blueberry muffins to go with chicken noodle soup.

The soup really hit the spot on this threat-of-wintry-weather night. Soon after supper, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house. I sent some blueberry muffins with her for her breakfast, since she loves them so much.

Hubbie and I spent the rest of the evening watching TV, during which our electic company called to apologize ahead of time if we lose power during a predicted ice storm tonight and it takes a while for them to restore it. Yikes! They must be anticipating the worst!

We're trying to be prepared by stocking up on water, making a couple of thermoses of coffee, and charging the cell phones, the laptop, the e-reader tablet, etc.