Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday, March 16

Another gorgeous day, with lots of sunshine, and a temp in the high 70s.

We slept late, until around 8 a.m. I skipped my exercises again. I just can't seem to stop coughing and blowing. Hubbie is doing the same, but I think his cold is abating now, so there's hope for me. After breakfast, he accompanied Mother to our house, where she resumed her jigsaw puzzle.

Once I was ready for the day, I did this and that around the house, and then Hubbie and I went to the library to take back the two DVDs I borrowed last week, and pick up some more. But since my brain has gone to Silly Putty, I forgot to take my library card, so we could only check out two on Hubbie's card. After the library, we went to the grocery store to pick up a package of slaw mix for tomorrow.

Back home, I fixed lunch...homemade chicken noodle soup for Mother, and chicken sandwiches for Hubbie and me. Afterward, we went to the college where I attend water aerobics to walk a couple of times around the lake.

Others had the same idea...a couple of young women were sunning on a blanket; three other young women (students, we assumed) were in a boat out on the lake with an older gentleman (an instructor, we assumed), and they were checking water samples, dredging the bottom for other samples, and recording their findings; a boy and a man were fishing; a young family with a young daughter, and a baby in a stroller, as well as two pug dogs, were strolling; and three people were playing disc golf.

The path around the lake is only a quarter of a mile, but twice around while pushing Mother up and down inclines was a bit of exercise for me.

At home, Mother diced three bell peppers that were in the refrigerator, which we bagged for the freezer. Then she went back to her puzzle, and I read my novel for a while, then went to my office to research a couple of things. Since I was there anyway, I spent a half hour cleaning a space and tossing stuff. I need to do a whole lot more of this.

Later, I prepared a supper of beef hash topped with fried eggs, served with toast and jelly. Afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then he and I watched TV, including the two-part 2011 mini-series, "Hindenburg: The Last Flight."