Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 13

Today is Great-Granddaughter's birthday...3-13-13. If she was turning 13 years old, it would really be remarkable, but this is her eleventh birthday. Still, it's pretty interesting.

Once again, I woke up early, around 5:30, but this time my sleep was disturbed by my own snoring from a cold. I drifted off again later, but was startled awake by the alarm clock at 6:30. Since I was coughing and hoarse, I knew it would not be prudent to go to water aerobics. So, I dozed for a few minutes, and then woke up to again hear the first chirping birds, at precisely 7:45 a.m. The birds' internal clocks no doubt told them it was actually 6:45 a.m. They obviously didn't get the Daylight Savings Time memo.

Skipped my exercises after breakfast, of course, but I did head to the shower and got dressed, which made me feel immedately better. My throat is sore, and my voice is hoarse, but so far, my cold has not hit me as hard as Hubbie's did.
It'd be great if Mother dodges it altogether.

While I got ready for the day, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and then ran errands. One thing he did was return the three movies on DVD to the college library down the road. He also inquired whether the library will be open next Monday, since the college will be on spring break. He learned that it will be, so if my student and I are both well, we can meet for a session that day.

Hubbie returned near lunchtime. For lunch, Mother had her usual Ramen noodle soup. Hubbie and I had a bowl of the homemade chicken noodle soup. Hubbie had a roast beef sandwich with his. I meant to have a boiled chicken sandwich instead of soup for lunch, but I discovered we were out of salad dressing, so I abandoned that idea.

After lunch, Hubbie headed out on errands again, because he'd forgotten to pick up a few things. Mother began a new jigsaw puzzle, and I played on my laptop. On my social network page, I saw that a new Pope of the Catholic Church had been elected, so I tuned the TV to a my favorite news channel, where we watched in anticipation for the announcement that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, now Pope Francis I, is the new leader of the Church. I like this humble, unassuming, and likeable man, and I look forward to seeing in what direction he takes the Church.

Spent the afternoon being lazy. Nothing accomplished today. Later, for supper, we had more homemade chicken noodle soup, with blueberry muffins. Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then we watched TV. Tonight, Hubbie was interested in watching an SEC tournament game. I'm lukewarm about other teams...I'm more interested in watching our favorite college team, which will play tomorrow night.