Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday, March 9

Daylight Savings Time...we'll spring forward tonight before bedtime, which means that there will be more daylight hours to enjoy. But it also means we'll lose an hour of sleep tomorrow morning. Changing our internal clock is going to be a whole lot more difficult than changing the external ones. It'll take a few days to adjust. It's said that the incidence of heart attacks increases at this time, but I figure that's more of a problem for folks still on the job. I'm not going to worry about it...water aerobics begins again Monday morning, but if I oversleep and don't make it, so be it.

Slept late, until around 8 a.m. Did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and then he went out to work in the yard. Mother worked on her puzzle, while I got ready for the day.

Did this and that around the house for the rest of the morning, including laundry. I usually do our laundry on Sundays, but since there could be storms tomorrow, I decided to get it done today.

After lunch, Hubbie went back into the yard, Mother continued with her puzzle, and I made a trip to the grocery store to pick up bananas and a bag of slaw mix. It was a glorious day to be out and about...sunny and warm and very spring-like.

I noticed on the way back from the store that a vendor had set up a roadside veggie stand behind a grocery store at the four-way stop. The vendor is an older gentleman who sets up at that spot every year. Seeing him there was heartening, since it's another sign that my favorite seasons of spring and summer are upon us.

Back home, I relaxed with my novel until around 3 p.m. Hubbie came in out of the yard about that time and showered, so he could be ready to watch our favorite college basketball team as they played to a much-need win. The game was at 1 p.m., but I had recorded it on DVR.

Tonight, I decided to shred the leftover chicken and add barbecue sauce for sandwiches on buns, and peel and slice sweet potatoes to be oven-fried. Mother helped with this by slicing the potatoes after I'd peeled and quartered them. She also made dressing for coleslaw.

I seasoned the potatoes by drizzling olive oil over them, and sprinkling pepper, lemon pepper, no-salt seasoning, and paprika over them. I popped them in the oven around 4 p.m., and put the dish of barbeque chicken in around 4:30. By the time the game was over, our meal was ready. It was very good, and suited my aim of making Saturday "fun foods."

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and set her clocks forward. Then we settled in front of TV to watch a movie borrowed from the college library..."Thirteen Days," made in the year 2000, about the Cuban Missle Crisis of 1962. I clearly remember this very scary time for America, when Russia moved nuclear weapons into Cuba with the threat of a strike against the U.S. that would catapult the world into a nuclear war. Stars Kevin Costner and Bruce Greenwood.