Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, May 31

Another month gone. They roll by fast these days.

We were awakened a couple of times last night to strong storms, with scary lightning and thunder, and drenching rain. Later, we learned that since Thursday our town has received about 8.50 inches of rain, a record rainfall for this time of the month.

In fact, I think that our county received the most rainfall for the state, though we didn't get the devastating flooding that a county south of us did, where people were killed, and several were injured.

We were up around 8 a.m., and I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Before Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, he had to scrape mud off the front porch and hose the porch down, so Mother wouldn't have to walk through it. The downpour and wind last night drove the mud onto the porch.

Once I finished my exercises, I gathered veggies for Mother to dice for making potato salad, and then I went upstairs and got ready for the day. Back downstairs, Mother had just about finished her task, so I began putting together the salad. Got a large and a small bowl of the salad, so I hope folks will eat generous portions tomorrow.

Hubbie indulged in some of it for lunch, but I opted for a fried egg sandwich. Mother had her usual Ramen noodle soup. After lunch, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie ran errands, and I played on my laptop.

I had $5 in coins from an online bookstore to spend on game apps for my e-tablet, so I spent quite a bit of time choosing some that I think I'll enjoy playing. I didn't spend them all, and will search for more apps another time. I'm interested in trying not only familiar games, but ones that are new to me.

Later, I put together a breakfast casserole for supper...leftover over fired potatoes, egg substitute, a couple of Sis's homemade bread, crumbled, topped with shredded Monterey Jack cheese.

The casserole was baked by 5 p.m., and I served it with canned biscuits and a choice of honey, blueberry jelly, or peach jelly. It was very tasty, and we all enjoyed it.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then we watched TV, including British mysteries on DVD borrowed from the library.