Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May 30

Today is Granddaughter's and Niece's birthday. Happy Birthday to both!

Up around 8 a.m., and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, and she went directly to her puzzle. Hubbie went into the yard to get things done before it started raining.

Once I was ready for the day, I checked the blueberry jelly we made yesterday. As I suspected it would, it failed. I think I know what the problem is. The blueberry juice I bought is not 100% juice, but is a cocktail with the first ingredient listed as water. I'm disappointed that it didn't work, but at least I know now to look for only 100% juices.

I didn't do anything important before lunch. After lunch, Hubbie peeled potatoes, which I boiled. I also boiled several eggs. These will be used to make potato salad tomorrow for a Master Gardener picnic Saturday. While the potatoes and eggs cooked, I made a recipe of spaghetti sauce to simmer for a few hours.

When the potatoes and eggs were cooked and cooling, I went shopping. I wanted to find a couple of pairs of denim Capri pants. I succeeded in finding what I wanted at the first store I stopped at. One pair has rhinestone detailing on the back pockets, which I could do without, but I guess I can live with it. I just hope it doesn't draw too much attention to my ample backside.

While I was at the store, the sky opened up and it poured rain for about fifteen minutes. Naturally, I stayed in the store until it stopped. I kept browsing the clothes, but found nothing else I wanted.

From there, I went to the greeting card shop, where I bought a Father's Day card for Hubbie, as well as a birthday card for Mother to give to him. Tomorrow, I hope to go to a farm supply store, and a home improvement store, to buy gift cards for Hubbie's birthday/Father's Day. I never know what to get for Hubbie, so gift cards are the safest bet.

Not long after I got back home, the sky opened up again. We got about two inches of rain in this storm. Fortunately, we only got rain, with a little thunder and lightning, unlike town in the south part of the state that got tornadoes causing some injuries, quite a bit of property damage, and power outages.

Later, for supper, we had spaghetti and sauce, with a side of green beans. Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then he and I changed into suitable clothes and attended the visitation for the lady from water aerobics who died on Monday.

We thought the visitation was to be held at a funeral home downtown, but when we arrived, we were told that it was actually in a town about twenty minutes away. So we hurried there. As I expected, there was a long line at the funeral home, because this lady was very well known.

We knew only a few people in attendance, and I was surprised that there weren't more there from water aerobics. Of course, the visitation was scheduled from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., so others we know might have come early, or arrived after we left. Others might have decided to go to the funeral, rather than the visitation.

If I hadn't known the deceased, I certainly wouldn't have recognized her remains. She looked nothing like herself. A few of us speculated on what might have happened to her. One lady said the deceased's husband remarked she had said she wasn't feeling good on Monday, and decided to lie on the couch for a while. In the meantime, he went outdoors to do things. When he returned, he found her dead.

One of the water aerobics members...a nurse...thought that she might have died from a pulmonary embolism, since she had recently had foot problems related to her diabetes. Whatever it was, her death came as a complete shock to us all.

As we were leaving the funeral home, it began raining again, and poured all the way home. It stopped as we got to the driveway, though.

Spent the rest of the evening watching TV, including British mystery movies on DVDs borrowed from the library.