Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28

Up around 8 a.m., and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house at the regular time, and she worked on a jigsaw puzzle.

Once I was ready for the day, I spent some time text-chatting with Daughter, and then doing this and that around the house.

While I was upstairs, one of the Master Gardeners left a message on the land line asking if I would share photos I'd taken at a recent garden tour. Her camera battery was dead when she went on the tour, and she wanted to take garden photos with her to a plant society meeting tonight. So I hurried to place an order online with the photo center at the WDCS.

For lunch, Mother had her usual Ramen noodle soup, and Hubbie and I settled for PB&J sandwiches, since I couldn't think of anything else. Afterward, Mother went back to her puzzle, and Hubbie and I ran errands.

First stop, the bank, then on to the library to exchange DVD movies, and finally to the WDCS for groceries and other supplies. One thing I wanted to get there was a new canning jar lifter, since I nearly dropped a jar using the old one while making jelly last Friday. I also wanted to pick up the garden photos.

Back home, Hubbie got a call from the dentist's office saying that someone had cancelled their appointment for today, and they could move his appointment up if he wanted to go in shortly after 2 p.m. Hubbie agreed to do that. Before he went to the appointment, he dropped the photos off at the Master Gardener's house.

I whiled the afternoon away reading newspapers, completing this week's word search puzzle contest, and playing on my laptop.

Later, I put leftovers in the oven for our supper...a strange combination of beef stroganoff, oven fried potatoes, and canned spinach and green beans.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house after supper, and then around 6:45, we went to a plant society meeting. Hubbie usually doesn't attend these meetings, but the Master Gardener to whom he delivered the photos said that she didn't expect a lot of members to be at the meeting, so she was afraid of a poor showing for a lady who was to travel an hour to speak to the group. Would we agree to go and help fill out the audience?

As it happened, nearly 25 folks did show up. Among them was a lady who has been very ill, and who was supposed to go to a nursing home. She has a large mass in her colon, and tonight, she looked very ill, indeed. But I was glad her friend had brought her to the meeting tonight.

Before the meeting began, we were served refreshments, including strawberry shortcake. I opted for strawberries and topping only, of course.  There were other choices of desserts, too, but they all looked like they had yellow dye in them, so I avoided them. Decaf coffee was the drink, and I had a cup, but wish I'd stuck with water, because the taste of the coffee was ruined by the taste of city water chlorine. Yuk.

The speaker presented a slide program on hydrangeas. She spoke for over an hour, and I learned more than I ever wanted to know about these flowering bushes.

One variety is, interestingly, called a  schizophragma hydrangeoides "Moonlight." Sounds so much like the mental disorder, schizophrenia, that when we returned home, I looked it up. The name comes from the Greek, meaning split walls of the fruit. Schizophrenia is "a splitting of mental functions."

 Spent the rest of the evening watching one-hour shows that I'd recorded on DVD.


Sad: an obituary in tonight's local newspaper announced the death of one of our water aerobics members. The last time I saw her was three weeks ago at the pool. Hubbie saw her two days ago. She was 77 years old, obese, and diabetic. She'd suffered a minor stroke a few years ago, and I wonder if she had a major one that carried her off. Though she was diabetic, she seemed unable to change her eating habits.

We've known this lady for many years. She retired after 35 years working as a cashier at a local grocery store, so she knew just about everybody in our small town.

We'll attend the visitation Thursday evening, though I know it will be crowded.

Note 2: While Hubbie was at the dentist's office, he learned that our hygienist is battling breast cancer. She was diagnosed in February, and has been taking treatments since then. She said she is doing very well.

Note 3: The hygienist told Hubbie that Mother's and my friend, who recently gave me three bags of silk flowers, has somehow ruptured two disks in her back. She is incapacitated and being cared for by her daughter. I don't know how she sustained this injury, so I'll phone her tomorrow for details.