Friday, July 5, 2013

Saturday, July 5

Up around 8 a.m. this morning, and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Daughter got up later. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning.

Instead of going right up and getting ready for the day after my exercises, I decided to play a July 4th program I'd recorded on DVR last night, while we went to the fireworks display. The first program we watched was "A Capitol Fourth," from the PBS channel.

In the middle of the program, the doorbell rang. Drat! Here I was in my exercise clothes, and Hubbie was running an errand to the grocery store. It was the mailman delivering my automatic jelly maker replacement and a handful of mail.

When the program ended, it was time for lunch. Mother opted for her usual Ramen noodle soup, with a side of pimento cheese and crackers, while Hubbie had a deli turkey sandwich, and I had a pimento and cheese sandwich.

After lunch, Hubbie went out into the yard to cut up that large tree branch, and then re-surface the top of the RV. Mother, Daughter, and I watched another July 4th show on DVR...this one was "Macy's 4th of July Fireworks."

When that ended, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and Daughter helped her. I relaxed and read today's newspapers, and played on my e-tablet.

For supper, I heated leftover ham and beans, fried potatoes, and corn-on-the-cob. I also heated the leftover cornbread, and baked a pan of biscuits.

After supper, Daughter accompanied Mother to her house, and then later, around 7 p.m., Hubbie, Daughter, and I went to the movie theater to see "The Lone Ranger." Ordinarily, this would not be the sort of movie I'd choose to see at the theater, but since Daughter is here, and there's nothing on TV, I thought it would be entertaining.

And it was. This action film is hilarious, thanks to Johnny Depp. It's violent, too, but not in the blood and gore sort of way....just lots of shoot-em-ups, explosions, and the like, leaving a trail of bodies. But if you choose to see it, be prepared to really, really, suspend your disbelief, since the stunts are that fantastic. 

The movie played to a full crowd tonight, which is unusual. Most of the time, there are no more than a dozen in the theater. Tonight, we almost didn't get there in time to get our favorite high-backed seats, even though Daughter and I went ahead into the theater while Hubbie stood in line for tickets.

There was a couple of older ladies who hotfooted it to the same screening room that we were headed to, but they went through the opposite door to where those seats are. In a few seconds, though, they realized their mistake, and here they came rushing out and practically trotted to the door we were headed to.

We all arrived at about the same time, even nudging shoulders in our race for those seats, but while they were stumbling over Daughter, I sprinted down to the coveted seats and claimed them. So the othere ladies had to content themselves with seats in the center of the row.