Saturday, July 6, 2013

Saturday, July 6

Slept late, until just after 8 a.m., but did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Daughter slept until around 9:30, then had a light breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around this time.

We didn't do anything productive for the rest of the morning...just watched TV. After lunch, Mother and I started a pan of chicken simmering...Mother diced the veggies for it. Then Daughter helped Mother work on the jigsaw puzzle for a while. Around 2:30 p.m., Daughter decided she needed to head home.

But she'll return tomorrow, along with Granddaughter, and two great-grandchildren, to have lunch with us and then go to a community theater production of the musical, "Oliver!" tomorrow afternoon. Daughter plans to babysit with Great-Grandson, who is rambunctious, and wouldn't be able to sit still through the performance. As it happens, I own a DVD of the musical, so I loaned it to Daughter to take home and watch.

Hubbie spent most of his day in the yard, mainly cleaning the outside of the camper. I accomplished very little.

For supper, we had chicken noodle soup, and then I wrapped a few pieces of chicken for the refrigerator to be used tomorrow to make chicken spaghetti.

After supper, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house. Before I settled in for more TV, I made an angel food/pineapple cake for tomorrow's dessert. Goofed off playing on my laptop after that, while Hubbie finished up a few outside chores.

Watched movies after that. A pretty ordinary, unexciting day, which was fine.