Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday, July 2

Today is Great-Grandson's birthday. Happy Birthday, Great-Grandson!

We were up around 7:30 this morning, and I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, and she worked on her jigsaw puzzle, while I got ready for the day.

Before lunch, Hubbie informed me that a large limb had fallen out of a tree and landed near Mother's house. A smaller limb also fell, and this pierced a portion of the roof and gutter. So I went out to take a look at it and snap a few photos.

Hubbie called our insurance agency, and as soon as one is available, an adjuster is to visit to assess the damage. Then we will need to employ a carpenter to repair the roof...again.

He also called a plumber to get advice on why there is rust in the water going to the washing machine, which is ruining light colored cotton clothing. The plumber thinks the problem may be originating from the pump, and suggests a filter system there. I hope it works, because I can't afford to replace my clothes every time I wash.

He won't be able to install the filter system until next week. In the meantime, I'm going to wash my personal clothes in Mother's machine, since she doesn't seem to be experiencing the problem.

After a catch-all lunch of a hot dog and part of  a baked sweet potato for Mother, barbecue for Hubbie, and leftover lasagna, sweet potato, and a couple of slices of French bread for me, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie went out to the yard, and I began the job of hemming two pairs of jeans for Mother.

Sis had measured the jeans hems while she was here, which took the guesswork out of the job for me. Still, I'm always apprehensive about taking scissors to clothes, but I girded my loin and went after the jeans.

Once I trimmed off the old hems, I went upstairs and pressed the jean legs at the point where Sis had turned them up. Then I turned the jeans wrong side out, took the pins out, and turned the hems back up at the pressed crease and re-pinned them. Next, I turned the rough edge of the hems under, measuring as I went,  and pinned them all around. I pressed the hems again, and brought the jeans back downstairs to stitch.

I don't have a lot of thread colors, but I did find one that was close to the color of the jeans. During the hemming procedure, the doorbell rang...it was the plumber, so I called  Hubbie down from the office to deal with him; Hubbie got a call on the land line from someone downtown, so I had to call his cell phone to relay the message; and Daughter messaged me on my social network page. Altogether, it took about an hour and a half to complete the hemming project.

Later, I heated leftovers veggies from our Sunday pork roast dinner in the oven. Meanwhile, I mixed dressing in coleslaw, and Mother sliced Sis's homemade bread, as well as cold pork roast. When the veggies were hot, I heated the leftover gravy. Individual cups of applesauce completed the meal.

After supper Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then we watched TV for the evening.