Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday, July 16

For whatever reason, blogger deleted my Tuesday post. So here is a reconstruction:

Slept until 8 a.m., but did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and she worked on her jigsaw puzzle.

I didn't do much for the rest of the morning after getting ready for the day. After lunch, I met a beauty shop appointment.

The talk at the shop was about a friend whose son and daughter-in-law are expecting triplets. I was surprised that so many ladies knew about it, since this friend took me aside at the arts council event last month and swore me to secrecy about the triplets, because her daughter-in-law was not ready to announce it yet.

So my lips were sealed. But it seems the friend told everyone she knows, swearing each of them to secrecy, too. Recently, the daughter-in-law told her it was okay now to announce the news, so we were all released from our vow to keep it secret. We all had a good laugh about it today, though.

Back home, I relaxed with the newspapers until time to prepare supper. Mother helped by dicing leftover steamed potatoes, which I sauteed with onions. Served them with leftover stuffed bell peppers, and green beans, along with biscuits and cornbread.

Afterwards, we watched several episodes of "Wind at My Back." At 9:30, Mother was ready to go home. I'm really surprised that she hangs in there so long, but she's loving this series.