Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday, July 17

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready for water aerobics. The pool was about the same, a little cool but okay once I got used to it. About a dozen of us showed up for the session. There are a few regulars who have not been coming lately. One is the older lady who always stood beside me. I think I'll call her to see if she's okay.

Back home, after a couple of cups of coffee, I got ready for the day. In the meantime, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. She busied herself putting away her jigsaw puzzle, so she could start cutting greetings and designs from Christmas cards that one of the scrapbook club members brought to the last meeting. She brought two grocery bags full of the cards, which are samples from a local printing company.

Getting these cards trimmed down will be the scrapbook club project for tomorrow, even if there is no one here but Mother and me, because I need to get those two big bags of cards down something manageable that can be stored in a small tote.

After lunch, Mother began work on the cards, while Hubbie and I ran the library, to the bank, to the newspaper office, to the  greeting card shop, and to the WDCS.

At the library, we borrowed season three of  "Wind at My Back," and I asked that the other two seasons be put on hold for me when they are returned. There are only five seasons of the series.

At the greeting card shop, I got a baby shower card, and then, hoping to pick up a couple of inexpensive cards so I could earn an extra 300 bonus points, discovered that 99-cent cards are now $1.99...another incentive for me to make my own cards.

At the WDCS, though, there was finally a supply of the yogurt ice cream bars that we like, but still no fat-free carton ice cream.

Back home, Mother was still busily, and happily, occupied working on those Christmas cards. While she did that, I began sprucing the house for company tomorrow. Later, I put dishes of leftovers in the oven for supper. Tonight, we had sauteed potatoes, steamed squashes, and green beans, with a variety of leftover breads...cornbread, biscuits, and garlic bread.

After supper, we watched several more episodes of "Wind at My Back." Once again, Mother stuck around until 9:30. She's really enjoying this series.