Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, Sept. 16

Up around 7:30, and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, then he went out to the garden to pick the remainder of the green tomatoes.

The tomatoes are very small, so I decided they should be cubed and put into the freezer. Mother wanted to do that job, so while she worked, I got ready for the day. Then she went to her jigsaw puzzle.

Back downstairs, I did this and that around the house, including a couple of loads of laundry, and then fixed a lunch of Ramen noodle soup for Mother, and chicken sandwiches, served with cheese dip and chips for Hubbie and me.

Afterward, I spent time preparing snail-mail (a birthday card for a great-granddaughter, a memorial gift to a local organization, coupons to a granddaughter), answering e-mails, making phone calls, working at the office computer upstairs, etc. Downstairs, I read today's newspapers, and relaxed until time to prepare supper.

Supper was leftover chicken and dumplings, and squash casserole, plus canned English peas, and slices of homemade bread.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then he and I watched episodes of  "One Tree Hill."