Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday, Sept. 21

Up at 7:30, but postponed my exercises after breakfast so that Hubbie and I could take the truck downtown to claim a parking space on Main Street, the river water carnival parade route later. Actually, I thought the parade was at 10 a.m., but discovered when we got back home that it was at 2 p.m. I don't know why I made that mistake, since the correct time was clearly recorded on my calendar.

Anyway, Hubbie drove the truck, and I drove the van downtown, and when he'd parked the truck in a parking lot space closest to Main Street, we rode back home in the van. The game plan was for all of us to ride in the van this afternoon, and then Hubbie would back the truck out of the space, and I would pull into it. Later, the plan went off without a hitch, and Mother had an unobstructed view of the parade.

Back home,  I changed into exercise clothes and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises. In the meantime, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and she went to her puzzle.

By the time I was ready for the day, it was near noon, so I heated the remainder of the New England stew and biscuits.

Goofed off until 1:30, and then went to the parade. What a glorious day for, with low humidity. The parade, which featured the usual complement of emergency vehicles, police cars, fire trucks, beauty queens, politicians, antique cars, horses and riders, etc.

A couple of floats cleverly interpreted the parade theme of "Remember the Magic." One, sponsored by a bank, featured a huge replica of Superman, with other folks dressed in favorite super hero costumes.

The local community theater mounted a dramatic float of colorful costumed characters from their various productions over the years...Beauty and the Beast, The Wizard of Oz, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, etc. The float itself was covered in black, so the characters stood out against it. Music from the productions played, and as each song came on, the characters from that production got up and performed. It was very well done, and I hope it's this year's winning float.

One of the bands got into the spirit of things by performing the Batman theme.

We chose a good spot from which to watch the parade, because the dance studio students performed there, and high school stepper groups went though their routines. I'm thinking a judge or two might have been in the area.

The parade lasted about 45 minutes, including delays for performances. As soon as it was over, we made good our escape. Hubbie went to the parked truck, and I was one of the first to exit the parking lot. We were back home by 3 p.m.

Hubbie drove the truck to a filling station before coming home. Then shortly after he arrived, he decided to go grocery shopping. I didn't want to go, since I would soon need to start supper.

While he was gone, I gathered onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms for Mother to dice. I sauteed them for omelets, while Mother shredded cheese.

Hubbie returned about 4:30, and by that time, I had the omelets in Ziplock bags and on the stove in boiling water.

Near suppertime, I made toast, which Mother buttered. We had the omelets with garden tomatoes topped with cottage cheese. The cottage cheese that Hubbie brought home is not our favorite brand, but it's passable. It tastes fine, though I'm not crazy about the consistency.

While we enjoyed supper, we watched our favorite college football team play. I'd recorded the game on DVR. Once supper was over, though, Mother was ready to go home, so Hubbie accompanied her.

He didn't miss any of the game, because in the middle of it, cable went out for a couple of minutes, and I had to fast-forward through quite a bit of the game. No sooner had I come to the point where we left off then the cable went off again, and I had to fast-forward through all of it again.

Our team did great right up to the final quarter, when it all went south, and we lost. Phooey.

After that, we watched episodes of "One Tree Hill."