Thursday, October 3, 2013

Monday, Sept. 30

Up early, around 6:30, because we expected a woman to arrive around 8 a.m. to remove wallpaper from our stairwell and the upstairs bathroom.

So I skipped my exercises, and hurried to get dressed and ready, and then cart stuff out of the bathroom to clear it for her to work.

Around 8:30, she called to say that her eight-year-old son had awakened with fever and vomiting, so she would have to stay home with him, because her mother, who usually babysits for her, didn't want to be around the sick boy. Can't say I blame her.

So we spent the day getting things back in order after the trip. Around 9:30, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and I brought out some jigsaw puzzles for her to choose from, and she began work on one.

During the afternoon, I cleared my laptop of photos so I could download about 300 from the trip. I put the older photos on CDs, and then chose a representative number of the new photos to upload to my social network page.

This was an all-afternoon project, so by the time I was finished it was time to think about supper. Tonight, I fixed breakfast for supper by scrambling leftover fried potatoes into eggs, and adding shredded Monterey Jack cheese. I served the meal with cottage cheese and blueberry muffins.

Afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then we settled in to watch TV.