Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tuesday, Oct. 1

Another month gone. They sure are rolling by fast.

Slept late this morning, until around 8 a.m., then did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and I gathered carrots, onion, celery, and banana peppers for her to dice, while I got ready for the day. Back downstairs, I sauteed the veggies, then added chicken and beef broths, and a package of tomatoes from last year's garden, along with various spices, and started it simmering. 

When I'd finished, Hubbie asked if I had anything special in mind to do today, because he wanted to go shopping for a storage shed. I would have preferred to wait until the work on the stairwell and bathroom, and even the kitchen, were completed before launching into another project.

But Hubbie likes to find ways to complicate things, so after he'd accompanied Mother to our house, off we went to a nearby town, where sheds are manufactured.

In about an hour, we'd settled on one that suits our needs, and placed an order. It will be about two weeks before it can be delivered. We suggested that someone from the business come to our house to see if it would be a problem driving the truck hauling the shed between the trees and the garage to maneuver the building to the spot we have selected for it...right beside the other shed out there. Around 3 p.m., someone came and after looking at the space, said he would have no problem driving the truck through there, although he'd have to trim off some limbs from the big tree.

On our way back home after shed shopping, we noticed that a man who annually sells 40 lb. boxes of sweet potatoes had his sign out, so we stopped and picked up two boxes. Later, I contacted family members to find out if they wanted us to pick up boxes of these delicious potatoes for them. Hubbie contacted his family, too. So far, we've gotten orders for about eight boxes.

Around 4 p.m., I added to the soup a container of veggies, gravies, etc. accumulated in the freezer, and also cooked a bit of macaroni to add to it. The Dragon Soup was delicious, served with a choice of cornbread or biscuits.

After supper, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house so she could change clothes. Hubbie and I did the same, and then we went to the college down the road to attend a concert...The Three International Tenors.

We really enjoyed this program. The three men are extremely talented. They performed several opera pieces (not Hubbie's favorite) that were recognizable to us, but they also performed Broadway show tunes, and contemporary songs.

The program also featured a slide show of tenors of the past, including Enrico Caruso (who died at the young age of 48), Mario Lanza (who died at the even younger age of 38).  More recently, Luciano Pavarotti died in 2007 at the age of 62.  Current popular tenors include Andre Bocelli, and Josh Groban, both of whom are included in my CD collection.

Mother and I were so glad we wore long-sleeve shirts and brought along sweaters and jackets, because it was freezing cold in the auditorium. Some ladies around us, who'd come in short sleeves and crop pants were shivering. During the intermission, as college staff member leaned down to tell Mother that she was going to adjust the thermostat to make it more comfortable.

We were back home around 9 p.m., and I accompanied Mother to her house. Then Hubbie and I watched a little TV, and then headed to bed.