Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday, Jan. 5

Slept really late this morning, until nearly 9 a.m., but I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Mother opted to stay home, of course, on this bitterly cold day.

Predictions for a possible one the three inches of snow in our area did not materialize, thank goodness, but there is a wind chill advisory, with temps dropping to eight degrees or lower through tonight.

Before I showered and dressed, Hubbie and I worked to get a pot of pinto beans, and a pot of chicken simmering. He took over Mother's job of dicing veggies for me.

When I was ready for the day, I fixed a lunch for Mother, which Hubbie took to her. Hubbie and I waited until around 1 p.m., when the chicken was cooked, to have a soup for lunch.

Afterward, Hubbie watched TV, while I went to the office upstairs to write a letter to Mother's and my friend, who lives about an hour and a half away. She came to our town to visit with our other friend, but it was on a day when we could not meet with them, because it was the same day that we went to Hubbie's daughter's house for a Christmas gathering.

She sent me a really beautiful Christmas card, and a newsy letter, but since I didn't get around to sending Christmas cards this year, I decided to send her a New Year's card and long letter.

That's about all I accomplished this afternoon. Around 4 p.m., Hubbie peeled and sliced potatoes, and I fried them, cooked corn-on-the-cob, and made a batch of cornbread, as well as baking a can of biscuits.

We put all the food into containers and took it to Mother's house, so she could join us for supper. Back home afterward, Hubbie and I watched TV, including several episodes of "The Tudors," and a football bowl game, in which Hubbie's Alma mater team played to an exciting win, after it looked like they would lose in the last minute.