Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday, Jan. 4

Up around 8:30, and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and she worked on her jigsaw puzzle while I got ready for the day.

Today, I decided to use both bathrooms to get ready...the upstairs one for showering and blow drying my hair, and the downstairs one for brushing teeth, putting on makeup, since the sinks are not hooked up in the upstairs bathroom. But it's much easier to use the walk-in shower upstairs than the tub/shower unit downstairs. I'll be glad, though, when the upstairs bathroom is fully operational.

Didn't do much else for the rest of the morning. Hubbie made grilled cheese sandwiches for our lunch, after which Mother returned to her puzzle, while Hubbie and I ran errands.

We went to the library first to exchange DVDs. We picked up the final season of "The Tudors," plus a PG film that we think Mother will enjoy.

From there, we went to the bank, and then to a grocery store, where we picked up this week's free individual frozen pizza. Got two more to go with it, so the three of us can enjoy them. Then we went to a health store, where I used a $10 coupon to buy a bottle of fish oil gels. Today the gels were on one, get one half price. So with the coupon, I got a really good price on two bottles.

Our last stop was the WDCS, which was wall-to-wall people, all buying milk, bread, and eggs, in anticipation of possible wintry weather the next few days. We did buy bread, but only because we actually need it. Otherwise, we got things that have been on our list for a few days.

On impulse, I picked up a large bag of sliced almonds, which were on a 50% off rack. But the package wasn't marked, so at the register, it rang up full price. When we noted this to the checker, she had to take it way to the back of the store to see for herself that we'd gotten it off the 50% off rack.

Since there was a line of customers waiting to be checked out, I tried to tell the checker to just forget it and remove the bag from our order, but she was off like a shot, and I couldn't stop her. When she returned, I apologized for inconveniencing everyone, but she said it was her job to check prices so she'd know what to charge when another customer brought the same product to her register. I really think it would be better if  store associates would simply put both the full price and the reduced price on the package so both customers and checkers know the correct price.

Back home, I cooked more spaghetti to go with what was left last night, while Mother made garlic butter to put on slices of French bread. She also sorted pinto beans to be washed and soaked overnight for tomorrow's noon meal. She went back to her puzzle after that, while I made a peach cobbler, using a package of the fresh peaches we put in the freezer last summer.

Our supper of spaghetti and sauce, with cottage cheese, and warm garlic bread was ready by 5 p.m. There's something very comforting about a high-carb meal on a winter night.

Afterward, Mother decided to stay around to watch a couple of Lifetime channel movies. Before Hubbie accompanied her to her house, we had helpings of the still-warm cobbler with whipped topping.

Then Hubbie and I watched our favorite college basketball team as they played to wide-margin win. I'd recorded the game on DVR.