Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, Feb. 28

Today is the last day of February. It was a rocky month, weather-wise, and now we will begin March with more wintry weather. Everyone is very, very winter weather weary.

We were up around 7:30, and I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and she went to her jigsaw puzzle, while I got ready for the day. Just as I was ready to come back downstairs, I noticed it had begun sleeting. It soon turned to rain, though, which I was glad about, because Hubbie was out running a few errands. 

 I didn't do much else before lunch, but after lunch Mother and I made a batch of candy apple jelly. The recipe made six half pints. A shelf in the store room looks good now lined up with these six, plus the two pints and four half pints of strawberry jam we made yesterday, and the eleven half pints of crab apple/apple/grape jelly we made on Wednesday. I want to also make pear preserves, but that will have to wait until another time.

Mother went back to her puzzle afterward, and Hubbie and I ran a couple of the library to pick up seasons three and four of "Friday Night Lights, and to the greeting card shop to get a birthday card and another jigsaw puzzle for Mother for her birthday.

Back home, I read newspapers and my novel, and just generally goofed off until time to prepare supper. Hubbie did the honors of making French toast and scrambled eggs. My job was to heat syrup, set the table, make coffee, etc. It was a good Friday night meal.

Mother was ready to go home afterward, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then we watched episodes of "Friday Night Lights."