Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday, March 1

It's the first day of March. The yellow crocus bloomed this morning. There's the threat of winter weather tomorrow. What's wrong with this picture?

We were up around 7:30, and I had every intention of exercising, but after Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, I noticed she was dressed for an outing. I asked why, and she said she thought we were going to the Extension Homemakers annual yard sale at the fairgrounds. Oh, shoot, I'd forgotten to check the calendar for today!

I hurried to get dressed, and then we headed out around 10 a.m. The weather was cool, but not unbearably so, when we arrived at the sale, but it was colder by the time we left.

At the sale, we took three tours around the building, but didn't find a lot to interest us. I bought a little brown filmy tie with a brown flower clasp for myself, and a package of peanut brittle for Hubbie, and that was all. We spent quite a bit of time visiting with folks, though, which was the primary reason why Mother wanted to go to the sale. She really enjoyed the outing.

It was nearly noon when we left, so I decided we should stop by a fast food restaurant to pick up lunch. Mother and I opted for grilled chicken sandwiches, and Hubbie chose a hamburger. We took the sandwiches home, and had chips and coffee with them. Mother enthusiastically ate her whole sandwich, saying that the outing really made her hungry, as though she'd spent a few hours walking around the yard sale, when she actually rode in her wheelchair.

After lunch, we watched a Hallmark movie..."Shuffleton's Barbershop." Then Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I watched a couple of one-hour shows.

Later, I made chili mac, using the leftover chili, which I served with individual salads and cottage cheese.

While we ate, we watched our favorite state college basketball team, as they played to nice win. Yay! Mother was ready to go home afterward, and Hubbie accompanied her. The weather will determine whether or not she is able to come over in the morning.

Hubbie and I spent the rest of the evening watching epsiodes of "Friday Night Lights."