Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thursday, April 3

Up at 7 a.m., so Hubbie could get ready to go to a Master Gardener training session. These are intended for new MGs, but current members can attend the sessions to gain educational hours. It was an all-day program, but Hubbie returned home at noon for lunch, and then went back to the session.

Before he left for the 9 a.m. program, he accompanied Mother to our house, while I did stair stepping exercises. Mother and I a good part of the day working on her jigsaw puzzle, which is a particular "puzzler."

Possible severe storms, with tornado watches, kept me busy running back and forth to the TV to keep track of the weather.

Hubbie returned home around 4 p.m., and for supper, we had hot pork roast sandwiches. Mother was ready to go home shortly afterward, and Hubbie accompanied her.

Then around 7 p.m., we went to a store front church downtown (refurbished by a former movie theater) for a film fest screening. This church had ample padded chair seating, and a huge screen set at a height that it can be seen from anywhere in the room.

The fare included a short documentary about a couple in their 60s who decide, in the middle of a drought, to start up a goat cheese business. They find it difficult to find feed for their animals, but they persevere, and in the end seem content with their lot.

The full-length feature, starring recognizable actors from various TV series, revolves around a hard drinking, chain smoking, never-married woman, who treats her young dairy farm hands not only as employees, but as family. In danger of losing her farm, she stumbles upon an enterprise that she thinks will save it. Unfortunately, a health crisis threatens her plans.  

We were a bit edgy about attending the movie under the threat of storms, but predictions were that the second wave of storms would not arrive until later in the evening, and we trusted to that. As it happened, nothing much happened, even later in the night.