Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday, June 2

Up around 6:15, because the alarm didn't go off at 6 a.m. But I had plenty of time to get ready to go to water aerobics. Had breakfast and left the house around 7:15.

There were plenty of parking spaces at the college, since only the students who are taking summer session classes are on the campus right now.

Today, I wore shorts and a tee shirt to the pool, which felt good on this pleasantly rain-cooled morning. The pool was pleasant, too...not toasty warm, but warm enough to feel good once I was in it for a few minutes. Twenty-two of us attended the session today.

One of our members is in the hospital, and has been for quite a while. We understand she is not doing well. This lady, who lives alone and raises cattle, was the strongest one among us...a swimmer, who in her youth was a contender for the Olympics, though she didn't make the team. I hope she's strong enough to fight her way back to health.

Back home, I enjoyed a cup a coffee, and then Hubbie put color in my hair in anticipation of a haircut appointment tomorrow.

Once I was ready for the day, I called the doctor's office to make an appointment for Mother this afternoon, and got one for 1 p.m.

Didn't accomplish much more after that until lunch time. Hubbie ran errands this morning, and didn't return until after noon. One of his errands was to take the boxed jelly/jam maker to be shipped back to the seller. The problem was, Hubbie took it to the wrong shipping company.

For lunch, Mother had her usual Ramen noodle soup, I had a dab of leftover spaghetti, with a side of grape tomatoes and cottage cheese, and Hubbie, once he returned, had a PB&J sandwich and chips.

After lunch, around 12:30, I took Mother to meet her appointment. The doctor ordered X-rays of Mother's left wrist and hand, where she said it was hurting. But the doctor couldn't see anything that would cause the pain at the site Mother described. She did see an injury in another spot, which she said might be the cause of the problem.

Since she wasn't sure, she wrote a prescription for a hand brace. She asked us to follow her while she got the prescription, and we tried to, but even wheeling Mother as fast as I could, we lost sight of the doctor, when she rounded a corner.

So we went to the checkout desk, and the staff member there called the nurse, who eventually brought the prescription up to us. Everybody thought it was comical that we lost sight of the doctor, and her nurse had to go in search of her.

The doctor said that Mother should wear the brace for a week. If her wrist doesn't improve in that time, she will need to return to have an X-ray done at the hospital. If the wrist does improve, the doctor will order her to wear it for 30 days. Then she'll want to check it again.

So after lunch, Hubbie took the prescription to a medical supplies pharmacy, where the pharmacist asked if the brace was for Mother's right arm or left arm. She needs the brace for her left arm, but the prescription said it was for her right arm. So naturally, the pharmacist has to call the doctor for a new prescription.

Also, the cost of the brace is about $65. Medicare will not pay for this unless Mother needs it for at least 90 days. I'm pretty sure she will need it that long, since at 92 years old, she mends very slowly, so my guess is the doctor will prescribe it for that long.

Although Hubbie couldn't get the prescription filled today, he did learn that he could leave the jam/jelly maker there so it could be picked up with the pharmacy's shipments tomorrow. Yay.

While Hubbie was gone, there came two downpours. Later, Hubbie said he had to sit in the van until the rain let up enough for him to complete his tasks.

Funny: I was amused when Mother commented that it was raining "sheets and blankets." Sheets and blankets? I've heard of it raining cats and dogs, but never sheets and blankets.

We didn't accomplish much after we returned from the doctor's office. Mother napped, and I read newspapers and played on my e-tablet until time to prepare supper.

Supper was simple tonight...heated leftovers from last night's steamed veggie meal, along with cornbread and biscuits. It was just as tasty tonight as it was last night.

Mother was ready to go home afterward, and Hubbie accompanied her. Later, I went over there and put drops in her eyes.

Hubbie and I watched TV for the evening, including the 2012 movie, "Zero Dark Thirty," the story of the decade-long hunt for al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Long movie at two hours forty five minutes.