Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sunday, June 1

Slept late, until around 8 a.m. Skipped my exercises, as usual on Sunday. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house while I got ready for the day.

Mother and I spent the morning in the kitchen...I washed vegetables (yellow and zucchini squash), and she sliced them into chunks for the steamer. She also quartered an onion to steam with them. I washed gold potatoes for the steamer, as well.

While the veggies cooked, I washed  eight quarts of blueberries, which Mother and I sorted and bagged into two cup portions (enough for double recipes of blueberry muffins) for the freezer.

When the veggies were ready, we made a batch of cornbread, and a pan of canned biscuits to go with the meal. We must have been really hungry for veggies, because we each had two helpings.

After lunch, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I watched a two-part movie..."Rosemary's Baby"... from the On Demand channel. It was a remake movie, presented by one of the prime time channels. It seemed a bit bloody and gory for prime time, but these days anything goes on any channel at any time of the day.

Mother was ready to go home around 5 p.m., so Hubbie accompanied her. She said she wasn't hungry for supper, but I sent some of the grape tomatoes that she likes so well, topped with cottage cheese, and a hunk of strawberry cake, for when she got hungry later.

Just as Hubbie and Mother got to as far as the middle of the driveway, there came a sudden downpour. Since they were at the point of no return, they sloshed on to Mother's house. They were both soaked by the time they got inside.

Later, when I went over there to put drops in her eyes, Molther was snuggled in a fleece hoodie after having towel dried and changed clothes. I don't know why she didn't just change into pajamas and a robe.

Around 6 p.m., Hubbie and I were ready for supper, so we had sandwiches and chips, with cake for dessert. Then we watched TV for the evening.

Tonight, we watched a movie called "The Backwoods," which is very reminiscent of "Deliverance." Two couples trying to work out their personal relationships go on retreat to a remote house in Spain. The men go hunting and stumble on a house where a child is chained in a room. They rescue her, and then they and their wives are beset by the family of the girl. Violence and attempted rape ensue. The movie features both English and subtitled Spanish languages.