Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday, May 31

The last day of the month, already. The month, with its up-and-down temps, and rain enough to delay veggie gardening and lawn mowing, flew by. Today, we got a sampling of the hot and humid days to come as summer approaches.

We were up around 8 a.m., and I did stair stepping, resistance band, and leg weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, and she worked on her jigsaw puzzle.

Once I was ready for the day, I didn't accomplish a lot before lunch. After lunch, Mother went back to her puzzle, and Hubbie and I went to town. He dropped me off at a department store, while he went to the roadside vendor to get a flat of blueberries for the freezer. The vendor called this morning to let us know the berries were in.

Wouldn't you know, I picked up a two-pound carton of blueberries at the big box store yesterday, priced quite a bit higher than the ones at the vendor. I hate when that happens.

After getting the blueberries, Hubbie went to the bank, and then came back to the department store. While he was gone, I tried on blouse after blouse. Nothing suited me, naturally. I had hoped to find something I could purchase with a scratch-off discount (up to 40% off). But Hubbie found a knit shirt he liked and decided to use the coupon on that. Only thing is, the coupon isn't effective until June 4.

From that store, we went to the WDCS for a few grocery items, and then came back home.

Other than playing on my laptop (Hubbie had my tablet occupied), and reading newspapers, I didn't accomplish much the rest of the afternoon until time to prepare supper.

Tonight, supper was leftover spaghetti and sauce, with a side of grape tomatoes topped with cottage cheese, and bread sticks we brought home from the Italian restaurant yesterday. Wow, the grape tomatoes, which we got at the big box store yesterday, are so sweet and delicious! Even Mother, who usually doesn't eat many fresh tomatoes, had a second handful of them with her supper.

Mother was ready to go home shortly after supper, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched TV, as usual.

Tonight we watched the 2010 movie, "Winter's Bone," starring Jennifer Lawrence. A teenage girl in the Ozarks is responsible for her siblings, because her mother is mentally ill and unable to take care of the family. Her father is released from prison, and she must find him or risk losing the family's home in an eviction. This independent film launched Lawrence as a star. It's a dark and haunting story of poverty, extended family ties, and the dangerous world of meth labs.