Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday, July 21

Up at 7 a.m., but skipped going to water aerobics, because I wanted to accompany Hubbie to the hospital for an outpatient dye test procedure. Once I was dressed, I had a small breakfast of orange juice, coffee, and a banana. Hubbie was required to fast after midnight for the procedure.

We arrived at the hospital around 9:15, but it was closer to 10 a.m. before he was called back. The tech alerted us that Hubbie would be drinking a solution that might take 30 minutes or might take hours to pass through his system so that the test could be completed. I was asked to stay in a waiting area just outside the radiology room.

The test lasted about an hour, so I was glad I had taken my tablet, so I could read my novel. Besides my novel, I read a short story in a ladies magazine I picked up from the end table in the area.

I had just finished the story when Hubbie and the tech emerged from the radiology room. Hubbie's doctor needs to read the results of the test, but the tech said he saw nothing out of the ordinary on the test. So we still don't know what's causing Hubbie's problem.

Hubbie's and my original idea was to eat lunch at the hospital cafeteria after the test, but we didn't see anything that appealed to us there, so we came on home, where I had leftover chicken noodle soup, and Hubbie opted for toast and jelly and coffee. I'd sent a helping of chicken noodle soup with Mother yesterday for her lunch today.

After lunch, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and she and I worked in the kitchen, while Hubbie ran a couple of errand. First, we made a batch of blueberry muffins, and then Mother made a batch of pimento cheese.

We relaxed after that until time to prepare supper. Tonight, we had baked potatoes, along with leftover zucchini squash casserole, and the remainder of the pork chops. Sliced tomatoes topped with cottage cheese, and slices of French bread completed the meal.

Mother was ready to go home shortly afterward, so I accompanied her. Later, I went to house and put drops in her eyes.

Hubbie and I spent the evening watching episodes of "The Good Wife."