Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday, July 20

Up around 7:30, after strange dreams in which I was furiously making notes in a notebook, because I was somehow called upon to establish a town, and in which I was shooting but not killing deer. When I awoke, I wondered what the dreams meant, and decided that the one about establishing a town had to do with making planning notes for a future camping trip (campground=town?), and the one about shooting but not killing deer was about me going into the yard last evening to try to "shoot" a rabbit with my camera, after Hubbie said he saw one out there.

Skipped my exercises after breakfast.  Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9 a.m., and we headed to kitchen to begin lunch preparations. She sliced zucchini, which I boiled, and she sliced apples and onions for a pork chop dish.

When the zucchini was cooked, Mother mashed it. Then she crushed crackers, minced onion, and shredded cheese, and we added those, along an egg and spices...pepper, no-salt seasoning, paprika, and powdered the mixture.

I browned the pork chops, and after Mother layered the apples and onion in a baking dish, I added the pork chops. Mother brushed honey mixed with mustard over the top.

Later, I put the pork chops and the zucchini casserole in the oven, with a dish of sweet potatoes from the freezer. At noon, we had the meal, with slices of French bread.

After lunch, we watched a couple of shows from the PBS channel that I'd recorded on DVR. Then Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I watched TV...other shows from the DVR. Mother was ready to go home around 4 p.m., so Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched "The Good Wife" episodes.

Later, I went to Mother's to put drops in her eyes.