Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away?

One of the convenient things about being a retired senior adult is the freedom to take weekday road trips. Yesterday, my husband and I traveled about 40 miles southwest, to a town even smaller than our own, to visit family.

I'm usually game for any sort of outing, but I dreaded this one because yesterday was rainy, and I'm not a fan traveling on rainy days.

I changed my mind, though, as we approached the hills just outside town. Here, nature presented one of her wonders. Gray rain-laden clouds hovered low, just grazing the hills, and from the hills wispy, white, tendrils of mist rose up from among the trees. The hills glowed in gray and white monotones.

Despite the splash of our van's tires on the wet road, and the steady, rhythmic whip-whap of the windshield wipers, the day seemed hushed...serene. No matter the chaos in the rest of the world, in this spot, at this moment, all was well.

What a gift a rainy day can be!


Unknown said...

I love a rainy day. And even the more so since I don't have to get up and go to work, I officially retired on August 27, 2007.

Sixty Something said...

Congratulations on your retirement! I notice that as I grow older, I'm becoming more and more in tune with nature...maybe because I now have time to really observe it.