Monday, October 15, 2007


Sure signs of autumn in our small town are the beginnings of a show of color in the trees, and the arrival of our state's symphony orchestra.

The orchestra comes each October to perform at a local college. In years past, they packed the house, but of late, attendance has dropped. Too many other things compete for attention. Still, there was a nice audience for last Sunday's performance.Used to be folks gussied up for the symphony. These days, it's more casual. A lot of the women, myself included, wore our Sunday best, but a number of younger people came in what they seem to wear everywhere - jeans and t-shirts.

A few men (probably at their wives' insistence), drug their suits and ties out of mothballs for the event. My husband wasn't one of them. Sunday afternoon was uncommonly warm, so he opted for slacks with a short-sleeved shirt. I didn't protest, hoping that his attire would keep him cool enough that he could stifle his yawns.
This is not to say that hubby only yawns at symphony performances. He's an equal-opportunity yawner...any live performance brings it on. But then, he also yawns during TV shows. So I guess getting too cozy signals the impulse.