Sunday, October 14, 2007

Bugs, Spiders, and Butterflies

Yesterday, as I strolled the yard, I came upon three beauties...a yellow and black garden spider resting calmly on its intricate web; a yellow and black Monarch butterfly flitting from flower to flower; and a praying mantis that seemed to be sunning itself on a golden zinnia.
I rushed back to the house and grabbed my digital camera. The spider remained calm through a couple of flash shots. The butterfly was a bit harder to capture, but I still managed to snap it just as it spread it's wings upon a flower. The praying mantis was most interesting of all to photograph, because it turned it's head in my direction, as if posing for the close-up shot.
How wonderful it is, I think, that in this senior stage of my life, I can take the time to stop and enjoy such wonders of nature.


Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful photo's, I have a fascination with spiders, so of course that one is my favorite.

Sixty Something said...

Thanks for the compliment! While I'm more a fan of butterflies and lady bugs, I couldn't help but see the beauty of the spider that day. Glad it struck a chord with you, too.