Thursday, April 24, 2008

Busy Thursday

I've had a pretty busy day. It started with Cardiac Rehab again...the last session for this week. Again, the exercise physiologist increased my treadmill speed, and he had me using ski arms with the cardio-stepper this time. At the end of the workout, I asked him if it'd be okay for me to return to water aerobics, and he said it would be a good idea, as long as I don't push myself beyond my limits.

After I got back home, Hubbie joined me in a shopping trip to the worldwide discount chain store. We needed several items, particularly light salad dressing to use in potato salad, which will be my contribution to the barbecue dinner at the country-western dance tomorrow night.

After lunch, Hubbie took the van and went to help the Master Gardeners set up tables for the plant sale Saturday. Mother and I spent the time in kitchen duties...making potato salad, and getting stuff ready for a new-recipe slow cooker beef stew for tonight's supper.

When Hubbie got back, Mother and I went for a walk at the college lake. Except for a small group who left just after we arrived, we were the only ones there today...well, us, the ducks, and a squadron of squirrels. Someone had strewn bread along the walking path, and the squirrels were scooping it up. The ducks weren't interested in it.

We were amused by a male duck that was aggressively protecting his mate. He ignored us, but when three other ducks swam to the bank and waddled up toward the pair, the male lowered his head and ran at them, quacking furiously and sending them scurrying back into the water.

Around 5 p.m., Mother and I went to a Weight Watchers meeting, for our once-a-month weigh-in. I've lost three pounds since last month, and Mother has lost one. I'd gained those pounds after my cardiac episode, partly because I wasn't active enough probably, and partly because of new medications I'm taking. So I'm glad to find that I'm back to my pre-cardiac-episode weight.

We were ready for our beef stew supper by the time we got home from Weight Watchers. The stew was okay, but Mother and I agree that it needs more spices. The muffins I made yesterday to go with the stew are yummy, though.

Now I'm ready to relax with Hubbie.