Sunday, April 20, 2008

Balmy Day

The weather is glorious today, even though the temp is around 70 degrees, rather than the predicted 80. It was just warm enough for the gnats to attack my face as I photographed flowers in the yard after lunch.

The tulips are fading but still in bloom, even as the dogwood tree is at its flowering peak. The azalea bushes are showy right now, too, and a vine on the back fence has put on golden blossoms. The vine was given to Hubbie by another Master Gardener, but we've forgotten the name of it.

The lilac blooms are declining fast...they don't last long. Hubbie cut some that I used in an arrangement for Mother today. I also added a few to a vase of dogwood blossoms for our own dining room table.

Bumble bees are busy at work (one seemed furious with us for cutting lilacs), and I've seen a couple of Monarch butterflies flitting about, but I haven't seen any hummingbirds at the feeders, yet. In past years, I think hummingbird scouts have dropped by sometime earlier in April, with other birds following within a week or so. I don't know if our crazy weather this year has confused them, or if I'm just being impatient, but we keep putting out fresh nectar in anticipation of their arrival.

The American Goldfinch, flocking to feed on thistle in the feeders, have lost their dull gray feathers in favor of bright yellow, and a bluebird is nesting in the box we provided. The trees are almost fully leafed out now, and the grass, sprinkled with yellow dandelions, is growing abundantly.

It's springtime! I love it.