Monday, June 2, 2008

Camp, Third Day - Saturday

We got up fairly early today, since we expected family to drift in. After the usual breakfast of quick breads and fruit, Hubbie and I rode bikes for about 30 minutes. I knew I needed to get my bike session in early, because once the kids arrived, they'd occupy the bicycles for the rest of the day.

Sis was already at camp when we got back. And then other family began to arrive. Nephew and his wife came and brought their 4-day-old baby. We were pleased, but surprised that Niece was ready for an outing so soon after having a C-section to deliver 9 lb. 8 oz. Great-Nephew. What a darling the baby is. We all scrambled to hold him.

There was a good crowd for lunch, though not as many as in years past. Some had to work today, others were ill, one granddaughter is having a touch-and-go pregnancy and is due to deliver any minute, a grandson and his wife were in an automobile accident a few days ago that totaled their vehicle, but, thank God, did not seriously injure him, his wife, or their two children, and another granddaughter and her young family simply could not afford the gasoline to make an extra trip. Times are hard.

Still, over the course of three days, about 25 family members did come, including another pregnant granddaughter, who looks about to pop. She'll probably have her baby within the next few days. Today, about 20 of us put away quite a bit of barbecue, hot dogs for the kids, potato and macaroni salads, garden veggies, baked beans, and slaw, as well as strawberry shortcake and ice cream.

I took copious numbers of pictures of family, particularly of the baby and younger members. Great-Granddaughter loves to have her picture taken, and I obligingly took lots of her. She also likes to play at the playground and begged and begged for someone to take her. I finally caved.

At the playground, she was fascinated with a little boy she called a baby. "He's too little to climb up here," she announced at the jungle gym. I asked the boy's grandmother how old he was. "He'll be three tomorrow," she said. Great-Granddaughter is three and a half.

Great-Granddaughter is a wonderful source of amusement. Granddaughter told us how Great-Granddaughter likes to peek into her mother's belly button and talk to her unborn brother, whom she named. "When are you coming out?" she'll say. Granddaughter said she chose several names that she liked and then let Great-Granddaughter choose which one she wanted to name the baby. I think this was a wise idea, which will help Great-Granddaughter "own" baby brother instead of being jealous of him.

By evening, everyone had left, except Sis, who stayed to join us in games of Skipbo. It was a fun session, with Mother (finally) winning three games, me three, and Sis one. Hubbie was left out in the cold this time.