Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Water Aerobics and Babies

Yay! I went back to water aerobics this morning, after a three-week college break when the pool was closed. Actually, water aerobics started again Monday, but I was scheduled for Cardiac Rehab at the same hour, so I had to wait until today to swim. So now I'll be doing Cardiac Rehab three days a week and water aerobics two days.

The ladies (and two gentlemen) welcomed me with a cheer when I arrived. They are a sweet group of folks, and I enjoy being with them. The water felt wonderful, if a bit cool when I first got in. It was 84 degrees, but felt cooler, because the air in the gym was warm and humid.

When I got home, Mother said Granddaughter number two had called and was headed to the hospital, because her doctor said her water was ready to break. So I'm expecting to have TWO new great-grandsons some time today. It's a baby bounty!

We want to go see the babies...and soon as possible, but it might be Saturday before we can, since they live in two different towns. By the time I finish Cardiac Rehab tomorrow morning and get ready for the day, it'll be 11 a.m., too late to make the few hours trip to the one town and then swing back to the other town. Friday is already tightly scheduled, too, but there is nothing on the calendar for Saturday, which means we could head out early and get to the first town in time to spend a few hours with one family, and then visit with the other family in the second town for a few hours in the afternoon.

These two granddaughters never do anything by halves. A few years ago, one of them had a wedding on the same weekend as the other's first baby decided to be born, which meant we made back-to-back trips south to be with each of them.


Well...I got a call from Daughter around 3 p.m., telling me Granddaughter number one had her baby about 2:30 p.m. He weighs 9 lb., 2 oz. I talked to Granddaughter a little later, and she said she's doing fine and the baby is beautiful, of course. She said we should come see her and Baby Boy when it's convenient.

Got a call from Daughter-in-Law this evening...Baby Boy two has arrived, weighing in at 6 lb. Later, I talked with Granddaughter, who agreed that Saturday will be the best day for a visit. I'll finalize arrangements with Granddaughter number one tomorrow.

Can't wait to get my hands on those little guys and take tons of pictures of them!


Ann crum said...

So those little guys share a birthday?! What a bounty of baby boys we've had in the family lately!

Anonymous said...

please share your pics

Sixty Something said...

Yes, we do have a bounty of baby boys, Sis!

Sixty Something said...

I'll be posting a couple of pics of the new babies soon, Nellie. Thanks for commenting.