Monday, June 2, 2008

The Fountain, the Emu and Other Stuff

The shots above sort of represent two sides of a coin...the calmness instilled by the fountain on campus at the college where Daughter works, and the anxiety of the emu at being lost and not knowing which way to go at camp.

We never know what we'll see at this campground. It's the second year we've had a Blue Jay fledgling visitor, for instance. A few years ago, one landed on the running board of the truck and stayed a long time before being coaxed away by its parents.

Several years ago, a dog and a deer meandered through the campground. Both belonged to someone living close by, and it was obvious that the dog was the deer's guardian, because he stayed close to it, leading it from place to place. Neither animal was afraid of people, and the dog didn't snarl or threaten folks if they approached the deer, but just stayed close by to keep watch over it.

This year, besides the Blue Jay fledgling and the emu, we were amused by the antics of a squirrel when a three-year-old girl from another campsite spotted it and gave chase. As she approached it, the squirrel ran a little way up a tree trunk and peeked around at the little girl. As the girl giggled and reached out, the squirrel scampered to the other side of the trunk and peeked around at her. The two played this game for several minutes before the squirrel scooted up the tree and far out of reach.