Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dogs and Cats

Today was my last day at water aerobics until August 18. The rest of the group will meet again Friday, but we'll be out of town on that day. The pool was very pleasant this morning, and I'm going to miss it during the next several weeks.

After I got home, Hubbie and I were off errand-running, again. We stopped by the farmer's market first for tomatoes and cucumbers. While I was there, I snapped a few photos for the "Around Town" segment in the newspaper.

From there, we went to a nearby playground, where I hoped to catch a kid at play. There was only one little boy, but he was unwilling to cooperate. So we drove by a little lake to see if any kids were fishing. A boy, about ten years old, was seated on a rock near an older man who I thought was his grandfather. I hopped out of the van and snapped several shots. When I asked their names, I learned that the boy and the man didn't even know each other. They were just enjoying each other's company.

The man had caught a sizable catfish that had broken his line. The fish was idling near the bank, still hooked. Every once in a while, the orange and white bobber would disappear and then reappear. The boy tried several times, unsuccessfully, to catch the fish in a net. The man tried luring the fish to bait, but the fish was too wise to fall for another hook. I left before finding out if the two ever did capture the fish.

The man used a special bait to catch the catfish...a slice of hot dog. He said he's had great fishing success using hot dogs, ever since a friend of his told him about this unusual bait.

"Dogs" catching "cats." Hm-m-m.

Our last stop was, of course, the worldwide discount chain store to pick up last minute groceries for the trip this weekend. By then, it was lunchtime, so we headed home.

After lunch, though, we were back on the road to town. Hubbie wanted to look for a straw hat. We tried the WDCS this morning, but they had nothing but ball caps. This afternoon, we tried the store that has a sale every weekend. No dice. So we went to a men's store downtown. It carried only one hat that was remotely suitable, and that one was tagged at a price that Hubbie choked on. We tried the alternate store that has a sale every weekend. Nope. So on we went to the national chain farm store. Here we found a hat that will do, at a reasonable price.

We spent the rest of the afternoon getting stuff together for the trip. We don't want to pack the ice chest until morning, when Hubbie will go to the store for several bags of ice. So we'll probably be a little later getting on the road than we usually are. But that's okay, since we're on no particular schedule tomorrow anyway.