Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday, July 20

Since I didn't exercise yesterday, I hopped on my home treadmill this morning, for a 40-minute workout. Beyond reading the Sunday newspaper, and having a lunch of braised pork chops, sweet potato casserole, creamy whole kernel corn, and applesauce, we didn't do anything special for the rest of the morning.

After lunch, we went out to the fairgrounds to pick up our entries. I took along my camera and photographed the community theater and the Master Gardener booth exhibits, and then Hubbie dismantled the theater's exhibit, as requested by one of the board members (actually, I was asked to do it, but Hubbie did it for me).

It took all three of us to gather our entries from the various departments, and both vehicles to haul it back home. We counted our awards and found that Mother topped out with the most (as usual) with 48 blue ribbons (first places), three red ribbons (second places), and one Best of Show. I got 36 blue ribbons, 5 red ribbons, and one Best of Show. Hubbie got 13 blue ribbons, and 5 red ribbons.

It was sweltering at the fairgrounds today, with temps in the high 90s and drenching humidity. We were glad it took less than an hour for us to get our stuff and head home, and we didn't envy the volunteers who had to stay there until 3 p.m. Mother and I worked as volunteers in the crafts and household arts area for many years, but neither of us can tolerate the heat in that building anymore.

It took another hour to get the van and the truck unloaded and the plants back to their homes in the sun room or out under the trees. After that, we were ready to call it a day and cool off with showers and big glasses of lemonade over ice.