Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's Nice to be Missed

The staff at Cardiac Rehab were glad to see me this morning. Yesterday, they worried when I didn't show up at the usual 9 a.m. hour. Finally, though, they realized that my schedule has changed to Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's good to know I was missed, anyway.

Today was education day. We were given a booklet on exercise and the heart, and warned that since cardiac patients are more susceptible to heat stress that can bring on a cardiac episode, we should consider purchasing exercise equipment, like a home treadmill, or try walking at local air conditioned malls and stores during these summer months. We were also reminded of how important warm-up and cool-down sessions are when we exercise, to give our bodies and hearts time to adjust.

While I was at Rehab, I snapped a few shots of staff for the "Around Town" segment in the newspaper. It's against hospital policy to photograph patients, but I did get one of a physical therapist taking a blood pressure reading (showing only the arm of the patient), and one of a registered nurse using a model of a heart to explain cardiac disease.

At home, Hubbie bathed Shih Tzu, and I pressed clothes that I'll need for a trip we're making to another town a few hours away to attend a grape festival. This will be our fourth year to attend the festival, which features grape stomps and wine tastings, as well as other contests, a crafts fair, music, and a fireworks display. There's plenty of subject matter for my camera in this hill town, with its acres of vineyards laden with several varieties of grapes, a beautiful historic church, vista overlooks, and a lighted bridge.

We'll leave Thursday morning and set up camp that afternoon at a shaded campground located near a pretty lake. On Friday, we'll travel a couple of hours to the northeast to visit with Hubbie's daughter and great-grandsons. The festival opens Friday night with a fireworks display, and then continues on Saturday. We'll come home on Sunday.

We'll be "roughing it" this trip. Since the camper refrigerator quit working during our trip to the capital city, and the local appliance repairman we engaged to fix it has been uable to do so, we are forced to use the big, white "casket" ice chest that Sis and Mother purchased for us to keep food cool for the weekend. It's not a problem, except that the chest is so huge that we'll have to move it thither in the morning and yon in the evening to keep from stumbling over it.

One of the first tasks on our agenda upon our return from this trip will be to take the camper to a regular RV dealer and repair shop in another town to have the refrigerator either repaired or replaced.