Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday, Nov. 18

The water at the pool was reasonably warm today, making water aerobics pleasant. But I didn't enjoy the icy blast that took my breath away on the walk between the gym and another building. The space between those two buildings forms a wind tunnel that made me yearn for a hat and gloves and something heavier than a denim jacket this morning.

At the pool, I learned that one of the members lost a sister this week, which is all the more sad because she lost another sister just a few months ago, and a third sister is dying of cancer and not expected to live until the new year. My heart goes out to her.

As difficult as losing siblings is, how much more difficult it must be for a member of our scrapbook club (and former member of water aerobics), who is losing a second son to cancer. She is traveling to Los Angeles tomorrow to be him. It has been only five short years since she lost her other son. I can't even imagine the anguish she must be feeling.

The rest of the morning following water aerobics was pretty routine. I called other members of our scrapbook club to remind them of our meeting tomorrow afternoon, and made a list of errands for this afternoon. Then I did this-and-that household chores, while Hubbie peeled turnips to be boiled and put in the freezer, and Mother scrubbed potatoes to boil and cool for making beef hash for supper.

Since I've agreed to lead a gingerbread house workshop for kids in December at the art gallery, I needed to shop for supplies. The workshop isn't until Dec. 13, but our schedule will be pretty tight after Thanksgiving, so I want to get things organized for it ahead of time.

After lunch, Hubbie and I went to the everything's a dollar store, as well as a couple of grocery stores and the WDCS, picking up advertised bargains, as well as supplies for the workshop.

When we got back home, Hubbie took Shih Tzu to the vet for a deep cough she developed yesterday. The vet prescribed an antibiotic. Shih Tzu has always been subject to chronic bronchial problems, but now that she's 14 years old, it's especially worrisome when she gets a malady.