Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday, February 15

We got up at our regular time this morning, and after breakfast, I hopped on the treadmill. I usually skip Sunday exercises, but since I missed a session yesterday, I felt I needed to make up for it today.

Nothing exciting happened for the rest of the morning...washed a few loads of laundry, programmed the DVR for this week's shows, planned a menu for the week, uploaded photos from yesterday's birthday gathering to the WDCS one-hour printing service, read the Sunday newspaper, etc. I was pleased to see that the article I submitted about the lady who got her first novel published was in the paper today. I got a very nice e-mail from her, thanking me for the article. Maybe I'll see her at water aerobics tomorrow.

For lunch, we had same-song-second-verse leftovers. Mother was here during the morning and for lunch, and then went home. Hubbie and I spent the afternoon being lazy on this sunny, but briskly cool and windy day.

For supper, Hubbie fixed French toast, using egg substitute for mine and regular eggs for his. Then, as usual, we settled in front of TV.