Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday, February 18

Yipes!!! The pool was frigid this morning for water aerobics, which must have been quite a shock for several members who have not been attending for the past several weeks. I wonder if it will discourage these ladies from returning for a while. I sure wish that the water could be regulated to stay at a reasonably comfortable temperature.

One of the returning members mentioned that her neighbor, a slender 61-year-old woman, went to work as usual yesterday morning, where she had a massive heart attack. Despite efforts to save her, she died. I wonder if she'd been having any symptoms, like unusual tiredness, sleeplessness, night sweats, nausea, or nagging come-and-go pains in her neck, arm, or back that she didn't recognize as heart disease warning signals? I didn't know the lady, but I do remember seeing her obituary in the newspaper.

Today's paper featured a front page story and photos about our friend who died of breast cancer this week. She was such a special person. Everyone in this small town who knew her loved her. A memorial for her on Saturday will be a well-attended and sad time.

After I got home and ready for the day following water aerobics, I called the members of our scrapbook club to remind them of our meeting tomorrow afternoon. As I was talking to one of the ladies, caller ID let me know that the lady from Master Gardeners who wants me to serve on a committee to create a storyboard called. So I returned her call and learned that the meeting has been set for Friday at 2 p.m.

Mother came over this morning, and we started gathering photos, newspaper articles, etc., about the "Go Red Luncheon," as well as card stock and other stuff we'll need to make memory pages about the event at the scrapbook meeting tomorrow. After a soup lunch, we continued to organize materials for pages. I also did some journaling for the project. We like to have things in order, so when we get to the meeting, we have a good idea about page designs.

For supper, we had spaghetti with meatless sauce, green beans, and cottage cheese. Later, a member of the community theater board, who is acting as house manager for the upcoming collaborative effort between communinty theater and a local college, called to ask if I would act as usher for one of the performances. I agreed to do it on Sunday afternoon, which is when we plan to attend the play, anyway. If she cannot get an usher for Friday night, I agreed I'd do it then, too.

This evening, Hubbie and I listened to the radio as our favorite college basketball team played to another loss...once again, coming on strong in the first half and gaining a wide lead, but allowing the lead to dwindle by halftime, and ultimately letting the opponents squeak by to a three-point win.