Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday, February 19

Right after a cold cereal breakfast, I hit the treadmill, and then did weight lifting exercises. It was a pretty ordinary morning of this-and-that household tasks for the rest of the morning.

Mother came over after lunch, and we went to the Extension Services office to attend a 1 p.m. scrapbook club meeting. There are only five of us in the club, and we were all there today, including the lady who recently lost both her husband and son. My heart goes out to her...she has lost weight and grief is written on her face. She came with her sister-in-law, another of our club members. The two of them had eaten lunch at the Senior Citizen's Center before coming to the meeting. I admire her for forcing herself to get out among people. I don't know if I'd have that much courage.

When she came in, we all hugged, but we did not speak of her loss, and as soon as possible, we stirred the conversation to light topics. Before long, she was joining in, and even smiled at one point. I hope our little gathering helped lift her spirits a little, if only for a brief time.

We got back home around 3 p.m., and Mother and I continued working on the pages we began at the meeting. While we were doing that, Hubbie went to the doctor to check out a recurring sinus infection with hacking cough. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic. He's hoping the medication will help alleviate the cough before Saturday, when we are to attend the memorial service for our friend.

After a supper of leftover spaghetti, I made a recipe of fruited Jell-o for a snack later, and then settled in to watch TV with Hubbie.