Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday, March 8

Wow! Daylight Savings Time really messed Hubbie and me up this morning! We didn't get up until nearly 9 a.m. (which before DST would have been 8 a.m.) Son and Daughter-in-Law had already been up an hour or so, and had been over to visit Mother at her house. Daughter-in-Law was having a breakfast of cottage cheese and grapes when we came downstairs.

Son hadn't had breakfast yet, so I fixed him and Hubbie a combination of eggs and egg substitute, scrambled with onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, and shredded Monterey Jack cheese, and served with toast and strawberry preserves, and fresh oranges. I had cold cereal and oranges.

After that, Mother, Daughter-in-Law, and I started a new jigsaw puzzle. This was a very unusual puzzle made of cork. The edges are scalloped, and many of the pieces are in the shapes of animals and other objects, like umbrellas and stars. Usually, we begin a puzzle by putting the border together first, but we soon found that to be too difficult, so we began with the middle of the design. It is a fishing village motif, with colorful shops, so it was easy to complete individual parts of the puzzle, and then work the border in as we went along.

For lunch, I sliced part of the beef roast and heated it, along with the leftover mashed potatoes, and asparagus in the oven. I also put a dish of spinach in the oven. About 1 p.m., we had hot roast beef sandwiches and potatoes with gravy over all, along with the veggies. Mother and Daugther-in-Law ate at the dining room table, while Hubbie, Son, and I ate in the den, so we could watch our favorite college basketball team in SEC play. Unfortunately, the team took a loss again.

After the game, I joined Mother and Daughter-in-Law in working the puzzle. After a while, Son joined us, too, and soon we had the puzzle completed.

Son and Daughter-in-Law headed home after that. Mother went home, too. Hubbie and I went with her, so Hubbie could mount a hanger on her porch to hang the wind chime on, and to set a wall clock forward that Mother couldn't reach.

Then Mother agreed to go for a walk with me down the road on the west side of our property. I was amazed at how many new homes have been or are being built along the mile that we walked. At one house, a couple of dogs came rushing out to greet us. They barked a bit, but didn't seem menacing. In fact, they followed along behind us, with one of them nudging its nose into our hands, begging to be petted. But since we didn't want it to follow us very far, we tried to ignore it.

It was warm and windy during our walk, which provided resistance going, but was at our backs coming home. After our walk, we relaxed for a while and read the Sunday newspaper, and I programmed the DVR for next week's shows.

About 6 p.m., we had a supper of raisin bran cereal, with toast and muscadine jelly, and more fresh oranges, and then settled in to watch TV.

Note: Mother's cat, Snoops, who is normally skttish with strangers, was immediately drawn to Daughter-in-Law, who, wouldn't you know it, is allergic to cats.

Also, Daughter-in-Law is suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis, and it flared up this weekend, so she was unable to rest last night. Mother said that when she visited her this morning, she noticed how swollen Daughter-in-Law's face and right hand were. Hubbie's daughter suffers from this painful disease, too. Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive disease that can ultimately cause joint destruction and disability. People can enjoy long periods without symptoms, but the disease is chronic and incurable.