Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday, March 14

My back was still bothering me a little this morning, but I got on the treadmill, anyway, after breakfast, though I walked more slowly than usual. I hope I can get back up to speed in a few days.

Later, Mother came over and we planned the week's menu. After a tuna fish salad sandwich lunch, Hubbie and I shopped for groceries. For the rest of the afternoon, Mother and I worked on scrapbook pages, while Hubbie watched SEC basketball.

Supper was a choice of hamburger or turkey burger on whole wheat buns, served with sauteed potatoes made from leftover steamed potatoes, and leftover steamed squashes. After supper, Hubbie and I spent our quiet hour reading novels.

Then we watched a movie I'd recorded on DVR..."Gifted Hands, the Ben Carson Story," starring Cuba Gooding, Jr., as a boy who overcomes a disadvantaged youth to become a renown pediatric neurosurgeon. It's an inspiring and very good 2009 film.