Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday, September 6

We slept late this morning, since we had a restless night. After waking and getting up around 1:30 a.m., Hubbie went back to sleep soon again, but he exhibited a case of sleep apnea, holding his breath and then loudly gasping for air. At one point, I drifted off, but was startled awake by one of Hubbie's very loud breath intakes. I finally got to sleep around 4 a.m. Hubbie doesn't do this every night, or at least I don't hear him, but when he does, it's very disturbing.

We got up around 8 a.m., and I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day and started a recipe of spaghetti sauce simmering. Lunch was goulash, using the leftover beans in the sauce. This was served with leftover veggies, cottage cheese, and grape tomatoes.

After lunch, Mother and I organized our scrapbook materials in preparation for making greeting cards tomorrow. After that, Mother went home, and Hubbie and I went to a flea market to find a tea infuser ball, since I couldn't find one at the WDCS. I lucked out and found one there, as well as a humor book on gardening to use as a Christmas gift for Mother. The book is brand new and was priced at only $2. I'm on constant lookout for items like this to use as twelve-days-of-Christmas gifts for Mother.

Now that I have the tea infuser ball, I'm going to enjoy a hot cup of tea this evening, adding some of the wonderful dried chocolate mint that Sis brought to me the last time she visited.

Otherwise today, it was business as usual...programming the DVR for this week's shows and movies, doing a few household chores, washing a couple of loads of clothes, and reading the Sunday newspaper.

It's been overcast most of the day, but since it didn't rain, we hung the flag in honor of Labor Day. If the rain holds off tomorrow, we'll do the same.

When we visited Daughter yesterday at the family's lake house, she mentioned maybe coming by here on her way home tomorrow. She lives five hours away. We don't know yet if she'll plan to be here in the morning and stay for lunch, or come by after lunch.

TV fare tonight was the movie, "A Perfect World," rated PG-13, and starring Kevin Costner. This 1993 film is about a prisoner on the lam, who kidnaps a young boy, and makes fools out of law enforcement as they give chase. Costner's character and the little boy connect and become friends, and are both so appealing that viewers are in their corner until the surprise ending.