Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday, Feb. 28

Pretty typical Sunday. Got up around 7:30 and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Mother came over while I was doing that and put a pork roast with accompanying veggies in the slow cooker.

It was a fairly nice day...sunny, though still pretty after lunch, Mother and I decided to go shopping at the local book/music/video store. Mother had a gift card, given to her for Christmas by Niece.

We spent a lot of time looking through books. None suited her. So we went to the magazine rack. Here, she found several greeting card making magazines that interested her. So she sat in an easy chair and browsed through them to decide which ones she wanted.

Meanwhile, I browsed through the videos on the other side of the store. I also have a gift card, given to me by Hubbie at Christmas, so I thought I might find a movie I wanted. I didn't. I'll go back to the store some other day, when I can spend more time exploring on my own.

When I got back to the seating area, Mother had selected two magazines that she wanted, which used all but twelve cents of her gift card.

On the way back home, Mother was delighted when we saw several deer grazing in a pasture. She went to her house when we got back, and Hubbie and I pursued our own activities for the rest of the afternoon...he watched the Olympic Games hockey event between the U.S. and Canada, with Canada emerging the victor, of course.

I occupied myself on my computer upstairs, uploading snapshots of the greeting cards Mother and I made yesterday (see previous blog). I also tried (three times) to upload photos to my Facebook site, without success. One of Mother, Sis, and Daughter finally uploaded. Guess I'll have to try to upload the others again tomorrow. Maybe the site is too busy today.

Hubbie has been feeling not quite right lately. I've convinced him he should consult the doctor who did his hernia surgery, since I think his problem is related to that. He has been insisting he just has a bug, but his symptoms of an uneasy stomach and bloating, along with loss of appetite and general listlessness, which have been going on for several days now, don't quite fit the bill for a bug.

I think he is having a reaction to the mesh that the doctor used in his surgery. The doctor explained before the surgery that some men have problems with the mesh, and I think Hubbie is one of them. I won't be surprised if another procedure is required to remove it.

At suppertime tonight, Hubbie requested a grilled cheese sandwich, so that's what we had, with cottage cheese and an orange. Afterward, we watched a movie..."Code 46," a 2003 R-rated film, starring Tim Robbins. Genetic imperfections are avoided by forbidding people to have sex with 100%, 50% or 25% matching DNA. Naturally, our married hero proceeds to violate the code with another woman, and gets in all sorts of trouble.