Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday, March 4

Today is Mother's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mother!

What a beautiful day today...sunny and mild...definetly hinting at spring. Got up around 8 a.m. and did a treadmill session and weights exercises. Mother came over after I finished my exercises and began working on a jigsaw puzzle.

I cooked lemon pudding before I went upstairs to get ready for the day. By the time I came back downstairs, it was already 11 a.m. I relaxed with Mother for a while before putting lunch on the table. She's having tummy troubles today and requested a grilled cheese sandwich. I made that, and heated leftover barbecue for Hubbie and me.

Mother wanted chicken noodle soup for supper, so I started a pot stewing right after lunch. While that was cooking, Hubbie and I went to the WDCS for a few groceries. On the way home, we stopped at a gas station, where I picked up $10 worth of scratch-off lottery tickets to give to Mother as one of her birthday gifts (until we can find a purse to her liking).

Back home, I finished putting together the lemon cake, spreading it with cooled lemon pudding, and making meringue for a topping.

After supper, I served Mother a hunk of the cake, holding the scratch-off tickets under the plate. She didn't realize the tickets were there until Hubbie removed the plate after she'd finished her cake. And even then she didn't see them right away, because she was busy chatting with me. Finally, she saw them and was delighted.

This was her first experience with lottery tickets, and she had a great time scratching them off. She was excited to win $9. We had a good laugh, though, at how unobservant she had been in discovering the tickets. It was $10 well spent for the entertainment it provided Mother. I could have just handed her a $10 bill, but it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun.

Later, Mother worked on her puzzle some more before going home. Hubbie and I spent the rest of the evening watching TV, as usual. Tonight, we saw the movie, "Antibody," a 2002 R-rated film, though I didn't see anything in it to warrant that rating. The movie stars Robin Givens and Lance Henrickson.

A terrorist has a nuclear bomb detonator microchip implanted in his body. A team of scientists enter his bloodstream with an experimental craft to destroy the detonator before the world is blown to bits. Shades of "Fantastic Voyage," with the difference being that in "Fantastic Voyage," the crew is trying to save one man, while in "Antibody," the entire world hangs in the balance.