Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday, April 11

I would have like to sleep longer today, but Hubbie popped up at 7:30, so I dragged myself out of bed, too. I skipped my exercises, though.

Hubbie went outdoors soon after breakfast, and I did my usual Sunday activities of throwing a couple of loads of laundry in the washer, programming the DVR for the week's shows and reading the Sunday newspaper.

A little after 11 a.m., I went to the WDCS to fetch a rotisserie chicken for lunch. We had that with Parmesan potatoes, and asparagus.

After lunch, Mother went outdoors to plant herbs, and Hubbie continued his yard projects. I spent a while on my office computer, and then gathered books for a sale being sponsored by the college where I go for water aerobics. The book sale will be part of their activities during a Scottish festival. I gathered over fifty textbooks and novels to donate, which barely made a dent in the collection in my office.

I went outdoors then to tour the yard, where the azalea bushes are in brilliant bloom. I hope I can find time this week to take some pictures of them.

Later, for supper, we had whole wheat pancakes, with prunes and fresh oranges on the side, and cups of coffee. Afterward, we watched TV, including the movie, "At Risk." The movie is based on a suspense novel by Patricia Cornwell, and stars Andie McDowell as a district attorney looking to become governor of her state, and Annabeth Gish, a detective investigating a 20-year-old cold case.