Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there.

Mother and I have had a very nice day...nothing exciting, but just laid back and relaxing. Got nice greetings and phone calls from my kids. Also got a sweet musical card from Hubbie. Mother and I exchanged small gifts...I gave her lightweight undershirts to wear on cool days, like the ones we're having right now, and she gave me an oriole birdfeeder.

I felt better when I got up this morning, for the first time in a week. We came home early from our trip, because I woke up at 6:30 yesterday morning and had an awful episode of the wobbles and then breaking out in a cold sweat. I barely made it back to bed from the bathroom. But then I slept for three hours, got up and ate a little breakfast, took my medications, and showered.

At 11:30, I encouraged Hubbie to go to the luncheon in honor of his nephew without me. I just wasn't up to it. As soon as he left, I went back to bed and slept until he returned at 3 p.m. At that point, we decided to pack up and come back home, even though we'd paid campsite fees for Saturday night.

At home, I bundled up on the couch and slept through most of the evening in front of TV, then went to bed early and slept until around 8 a.m. this morning. I awoke feeling more like my old self. All week, I'd felt very tired, experienced waves of nausea, and had a loss of appetite. I guess a ton of sleep helped me mend.

I managed to soldier through Friday, even though I wasn't up to par. Once the camper was set up, Hubbie and I went another store that has sales every weekend, where I found my favorite brand of blue jeans on sale, to a hobby shop, where I picked up several rubber stamps from the clearance counter, and then on to a warehouse store for several items.

Friday evening, we went to our favorite restaurant for dinner, where I ate too much. Then we stopped by Hubbie's daughter's house. His other daughter arrived a little while later, and we all had a nice visit.

But I was very glad to get back home yesterday. Mother and I had made a batch of homemade tomato soup and pimento cheese for the trip, in case we needed an extra meal while we were gone. We didn't, so we had them for supper last night. Hubbie wasn't overly hungry, since he'd indulged in barbecue with potato salad and baked beans at his niece's house. Crawfish was also available, but he passed on those, since we are not fans of that delicacy.

Today, Hubbie offered to take Mother and me out to eat, but I was in no mood, so he went to the WDCS and bought a rotisserie chicken, which we had with baked potatoes. Later in the afternoon, we had big bowls of chocolate ice cream with nuts and marachio cherries, while we watched the movie, "Definitely Maybe," a PG-14 romantic comedy.

Mother went home after that, and Hubbie and I continued watching TV. Tonight's movie was, "Who is Clark Rockefeller,"a Lifetime Movie Channel true story based on Christian Karl Gerthartsreiter, a con man who impersonated numerous people, and finally claimed to be heir to the famous Rockefeller family. He was accepted into high society, and married a millionaire with whom he had a daughter. The marriage fails, he loses custody of his daughter, and then abducts her. The FBI becomes involved.