Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday, July 21

Up early today, at a little after 6 a.m., so Hubbie could gather individual flowers to be entered in the fair. Around 7:30, we took the flowers, my floral arrangement, and Mother's and my baked goods to the fair.

We were back home around 8 a.m. I accompanied Mother to our house, and then I gathered ingredients for lasagna so that she could sit at a table in the kitchen and put the dish together while I changed into exercise clothes and do a treadmill session and weights exercises. She seems to do okay with tasks, as long as she can be seated.

We stored the lasagna in the refrigerator until time to bake it this evening. After I was done with my exercises, Hubbie put color in my hair. He has taken over this duty since it's difficult for Mother to stand for any length of time.

Once I was ready for the day, I uploaded photos to a social network, and then fixed a lunch of cheese omelets, sourdough bread, and coffee cake.

Didn't accomplish much for the afternoon. At 3:00, I took Mother to an appointment with a urologist. The appointment was for 3:30, but we were still in the waiting room at 4:30, sitting next to a motor-mouth woman, who revealed every aspect of her family, as well as her personal medical history.

Finally, we were ushered back to an exam room. In a few minutes, after Mother had given a urine sample, we were ushered to yet another exam room. Here, the nurse took a sample with a catheter and found that Mother had retained about a cupful more of urine. The doctor examined her bladder, but found no tumors or polyps. So he has ordered a CT scan of her kidneys on August 1. He recommended that Mother drink cranberry juice. He also recommended that she visit the bathroom every two hours, whether she feels like it or not, and then return to the bathroom 10 minutes later, in an attempt to completely empty her bladder.

I figured that when the nurse and doctor examined Mother, they would ask me to leave the room, but they did not...probably because both wanted to ask both her and me questions, and then have us both listen to his advice. Also, they probably know that older folks are nervous and need a family member close by during exams.

We were back home about 5:30. I'd asked Hubbie to put the lasagna in the oven at 4 p.m., so it was ready to eat when we arrived. We had that with cottage cheese and grape tomatoes, and sourdough bread.

I accompanied Mother home after that, and then I uninstalled my anti-virus package and re-installed it on my laptop. I'd gotten a window stating that the anti-virus was having problems, so I called our favorite computer guy, and he recommended the re-installation, commenting that others with this brand have experienced the same problem. Tomorrow, I'll re-install the anti-virus on the PC in my office upstairs.

While I was dealing with the anit-virus package, Hubbie and I watched the movie, "Hard Cash," a 2002, R-rated film starring Christian Slater and Val Kilmer. Bank robbers, car chases, explosions, language. Didn't give it my full attention. Didn't need to.