Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday, Oct. 17

Up around 7 a.m., started the morning by getting a beef roast ready for the slow cooker. I had marinated it overnight in garlic, onions, and vinegar. This morning, I browned the roast to a dark brown, then put it in the slow cooker with two cups of strong coffee and two cups of water.

After that, Hubbie and I had breakfast, and then I did a treadmill session and weights exercises. Mother came over and prepared a butternut squash for the oven. The squash is one that volunteered on a vine in our zinnia bed. Hubbie brought that one, along with several more, into the sunroom to cure for storage. The one we ate today had a bad spot on it, though, so it needed to be consumed immediately.

Once I was ready for the day, I spent some time before lunch at my office computer. The beef roast was delicious at lunch, along with the butternut squash, which was especially rich and succulent tasting, and leftover Parmesan potatoes from last night.

Mother went home after lunch, and Hubbie and I ran a couple of the WDCS, a pharmacy, and a grocery store.

Back home, we relaxed and watched TV. We caught up on episodes of "Lark Rise to Candleford," and Masterpiece Myteries from the public channel.